로이킴's 친구따라 유학간다!

워홀러 호주로 얼마나 왔나?|

유학 생활정보/호주생활

올해껀 아직 안나와서 모르지만... 대만사람들이 많이 보이는 거 보니 올해 급상승 했을 듯 하네요.

우리나라도 올해 유럽여러나라들과 워홀 협정이 새로 맺어졌는데 그로인한 유입인구 변화가 궁금하군요.

호주는 현재 19개 국가와 워홀협정을 맺고 있습니다. 태국,말레이시아 등과의 work and holiday 비자는

지난해 총 8천명 정도로워킹홀리데이 비자에 비하면 많지 않네요.


Working Holiday Maker program

The Working Holiday Maker program is a cultural exchange program that helps to further Australia's social, cultural and international relations. The program increases people-to-people links between Australia and participating countries and promotes closer ties by allowing young people to have an extended holiday, supplemented by incidental employment.

The Working Holiday Maker program also provides Australia with economic benefits. The tourism industry benefits from these visa holders as they are a highly mobile group of individuals, who generally spend more than they earn, thus making a contribution to the creation of Australian jobs. The incidental work undertaken by visa holders supports the Australian economy by providing supplementary labour for industries needing short-term casual workers, particularly in regional areas.

The Working Holiday Maker program comprises Working Holiday (subclass 417) visas and Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visas.

Australia has 19 reciprocal Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa arrangements with other countries. These countries are Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Sweden, Taiwan and the United Kingdom.

Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa holders who have completed specified work in an eligible regional Australian area for a minimum of three months while on their first Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa may be eligible for a second Working Holiday visa.

Australia also has six reciprocal Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa arrangements with other countries. For the Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa, participants must be aged 18–30, have functional English and, except in the case of applicants from the United States of America (USA), have the support of their home government. Australia's first Work and Holiday (subclass 462) arrangement began in 2003 and Australia now has arrangements in place with Chile, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Turkey and the United States of America.

The reciprocal nature of the program means that Australians are also able to have working holidays in partner countries.

Many countries have expressed interest in joining the program and these requests are now considered in the context of the Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa program. In 2010–11, the Australian Government expects to progress new Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa arrangements with a number of countries. These new arrangements will further enhance Australia's social, cultural and international relations.

In 2009–10, 183 161 visas were granted under the Working Holiday Maker program. This figure comprised 175 739 first and second Working Holiday (subclass 417) visas as well as 7422 Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visas.