로이킴's 친구따라 유학간다!

Gumtree에 광고 올리시는 분들 사기메일 조심하세요!!

유학 생활정보/호주생활

얼마전에 차 팔기위해 Gumtree에 글 올렸었습니다.

그런데 이런 메일이 오네요.

Thanks for your response, I'm seriously interested in this posted AD and i will really love to purchase it right away. kindly put off the AD right away and consider me as your favorite buyer. As soon as the payment goes through, I will arrange for a private shipper to come over for picking it up down to my place after payment has been received. I will be making the payment through PayPal as paypal is safe and secured for transactions online, advice soon as I'm at sea at the moment as a marine engineer and due to the nature of my work, phone calls making and visiting of website are restricted but i squeezed out time to check this advert and send you an email regarding it. I'm buying this for my personal use, If this is acceptable kindly get back to me with your paypal email address and the details below so i can proceed with the payment. I can only pay through paypal at the moment as i do not have access to my bank account online,but i have it attached to my paypal account, and this is why i insisted on using paypal to pay all i will need is your paypal email address to make the payments,and if you do not have a paypal account yet,its pretty easy to set one up at www.paypal.com,i will be expecting your email. I will need this following details so i can proceed with the payment
right away


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